
Marie K. Gerken
Feb 28, 2019
Image of Reality
When I was young, my dad encouraged me to start a stamp collection. I acquired a pretty impressive collection from all over the world....

Marie K. Gerken
Feb 23, 2019
The Littlest Thing
On occasion, it has become our thing for me to go through the Starbucks drive-thru in my pajamas to get my mom a morning scone and...

Marie K. Gerken
Feb 18, 2019
Strength for the Alzheimer's Journey
The Journey is a rough and lengthy one. This morning I sit by myself quietly in a room that I long ago carved out just for me. I have...

Marie K. Gerken
Feb 6, 2019
"The A Disease" Has a Name. It's Called Alzheimer's.
One morning in April 2017, I was talking to my mom over the phone while standing outdoors under the sun, a soft breeze stroking my face....